Dealing with dry hair can be a challenge throughout any season, but it is especially tough during the winter month. The dry cold air in the winter months, makes hair more vulnerable to being dry and brittle. It is especially harder for those with curly and coily hair, which have more difficult retaining moisture than those with straight and wavy hair types. This is primarily due to oils not being able  to travel down the hairstands due to the coiled curl pattern.

It is very important that you give your hair the attention it needs in order to survive the cold winter months. Below we give you ten tips on how you can avoid dry hair during the winter months, 


Dead ends will not only make your hair look dull, but they also make styling and straightening your hair much more difficult. Trimming your hair is the best way to revive your dry hair, and get it back to looking healthy again.

Visit your style and have them trim off the dead hair that is weighing down your new growth. 

Take Your Vitamins

Sometimes taking care of yourself from the inside in is the key to fixing external issues that you may be experiencing like dry hair. There are many vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and bin that you can take to improve the health of your strands. 

Put Some Oils and Serums on Your Hair

When applied to your hair, oils and serums will help to lock in moisture. Using a steamer or a heating cap will  allow the oils to penetrate the hair strands.  Argan Oil and coconut oil are a few of the many oils that you can apply to remedy dry hair. 

Try Not to Wash Your Hair So Often

When you wash your hair you strip it of its natural oils and moisture. People with straight and wavy hair should wash their hair more often to get rid of oil build up, while people with curly and coily hair should wash their hair less frequently as their hair does not produce as much oil. 

Try Deep Conditioning Treatments

Deep conditioners will help moisturize your hair and repair damaged hair follicles.  Make sure to apply them generously and leave them in your hair for at least 30 minutes. A general rule of thumb is the drier your hair,  the more often you should deep condition. Those with type 3 & 4 hair types should be deep conditioning every time they wash their hair. 

Try Not to use Heating Tools

Heat can further damage your hair if you are not careful. Try to let your hair air dry. 

If you struggle with dry hair come in to AKA Hair Salons. Out team of experienced stylists will be able to suggest a regimen that will get your back on track to having thick healthy hair.