Experiencing damaged hair at some point is inevitable because colouring, styling, and exposing your hair to harsh sunlight will lead to damage. Regardless of whether the damage is minor or severe, it’s crucial to understand how to repair the damage and if you’re looking to restore the health and beauty of your hair, the following tips will help:

Trim your hair regularly

Split ends are very common and something everyone will experience. If you do not trim your hair regularly, the damage will travel upwards, resulting in further damage. This will cause your hair strands to snap or cause them to become frazzled, which is why trimming your hair regularly is so important.

Incorporate nourishing hair masks into your routine

Hair masks can do wonders for damaged hair, and there are different masks designed to target different hair types and concerns, meaning you’ll find one suitable for you. Using a deep moisturizing mask a couple of times a week will make a huge difference, and if your hair is badly damaged, you can use leave-in masks that can stay on overnight. This will help you achieve healthy hair and love the results.

Do not wash your hair as often as you usually would

Over washing your hair will worsen the damage, so if you want to repair the condition of your hair, do not wash it frequently because this strips your hair of its natural oils. Wash it only a couple of times a week instead in lukewarm water so that you can help restore its moisture and shine.

Take extra care of your hair when it is wet

Many people do not realize that their hair is most prone to damage and breakage when wet, so proper care needs to be applied. Drying it roughly with a towel is never ideal, nor is pulling a hairbrush through it. Instead, blot your hair with a towel and gently use a wide-tooth comb to separate any knots.

Lower the temperature of your styling tools

Straighteners and blow dryers allow us to style our hair beautifully; however, they can cause a lot of damage to your hair if they are not used carefully. Excessive heat can cause severe damage, and even if you think you need to set your styling tool to the highest temperature, the reality is that you probably don’t. Try lowering the heat and always use a heat-protective spray because this will make a noticeable difference.

AKA Hair Salon can help you achieve beautiful, healthy, and shiny hair. Our hair salon will provide you with an experience you will never forget, and our reputable hair stylists will make sure you love your hair. If you’re in the Newport Beach area and want a hairdresser to provide you with the look you’re after, call us at (949) 438-2558!