Everyone wants healthy and voluminous hair, but most people don’t realize their diet will affect this aspect. The foods you eat will play a significant role in the health of your mane, so you must stick to a healthy diet. There are certain nutrients that you need to consume from food so that your hair remains strong and shiny, as a poor diet will affect your hair, and you will see its adverse effects over time. You may lose some of your locks, and the texture of your hair will change. Also, your strands will become weak, and your mane will suffer, so a healthy diet is necessary.

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids are essential because they play an important role in the health of your hair. Walnuts, salmon, flaxseed oil, soybeans, and vegetables should be part of your diet because they contain these fatty acids that will not just help with the health of your hair but with the health of your skin and nails as well. Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and cauliflower are especially important, so stick to these vegetables and incorporate them into your meals.

Folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 are also vital for hair. B6 can be found in bananas, potatoes, and spinach. Meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products all contain B12, so you must ensure you consume the appropriate amounts. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain folic acids, so make sure you eat plenty of these, and this is especially true with citrus fruits and tomatoes. Beans, lentils, and fortified-grain and whole-grain products also contain folic acids, so you won’t be limited in terms of food and will be able to eat delicious meals that are both tasty and beneficial.

How Protein Affects Your Hair

Protein is something that most people do not get enough of, but it is critical for healthy hair, so you need to pay attention to this aspect. Lean meats like fish and chicken are good protein sources, as are eggs and soy products, so make sure you eat one serving daily. Not only will protein help you achieve healthy hair, but it will also help you maintain it. You can also take a daily vitamin as this, too, will help. Trace minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, and biotin will affect hair, so consider making this a part of your daily routine.

It’s essential to take your diet seriously because the right foods will make a world of difference as they can be very good for your hair’s health. You will notice a difference and appreciate your beautiful and healthy hair, so spend some time adjusting your diet to get all the necessary nutrients.

The hairdressers at AKA Hair Salon will provide you with the hairstyles you want and will provide you additional tips for healthy hair. If you are looking for a reputable hair salon in the Newport Beach area, our stylists can help, so if you are in California, contact us at (949) 438-2558!